Sorry for the lack of posting, I've been running myself ragged with publication prep! My Cinderella fairy tale retelling From the Ashes is so, so close to being ready to release! I just finished making the book cover (cover reveal coming soon! Or, join my Patreon where it has already been revealed if you don't want to wait!) and have already started getting the Amazon listings ready. If all goes well, the release is scheduled for November 1. So, that means that all copies of the serialized chapter drafts will be coming down soon as I plan to submit it to KDP Select to make it available through Kindle Unlimited.
There are still a few things left to do before publication. I need to finalize my ISBNs, get my Library of Congress Control Number, finalize the paperback title page, add all of those things to the formatting and flatten down the text as I can't embed the fonts, and finish writing the bonus epilogue that I'm planning to make my newsletter magnet. Oh, and I plan to write other bonus stories to release for free download once the book reaches certain review goals on Amazon, but those stories can wait a little bit. I also still need to decide how I want to distribute those stories (via newsletter or a password locked readers area of my website; leaning towards the readers area though).
So, stay tuned for more release info and cover reveal!